The Terms of Reference (TOR) sets out the scope and structure of the OHBM Student and Postdoc SIG. It has been created with reference to the official OHBM Policy Guide for SIGs [1]. The current TOR is effective of 15/09/2017 and can be terminated or amended with 75% majority from the executive committee. The TOR also sets out a commitment to SIG equality and diversity. 


Students are defined as those working full time towards a graduate degree (M.A., M.S., Ph.D. or M.D. degree). Postdocs are defined as individuals who are no more than four years after completing such a degree at the time of next annual meeting.


  • Provide a community of shared interests for OHBM trainees

  • Provide opportunities for professional, personal and career development for OHBM trainees

  • Represent the needs of trainees to the OHBM Council and the wider organisation

  • Promote the achievements of trainees within the organisation and to the wider neuroimaging community

Committee Organisation

The committee consists of a core executive holding current executive positions, immediate past members and elect-members who will take on responsibility of the core positions in the next term. Additional non-executive members will help to run events and communications. All members must be members of OHBM in good standing at the time of each year's annual conference.

A call for members will be opened annually in August with elections taking place in September. Nominations for election will be reviewed and selections made for interviews by all current serving members of the committee. Interviews will be held by the current chair and at least one other committee member, feedback for which will be reviewed by all committee members before final election decisions are made. 

The SIG is committed to diversity and gender equality. Committee membership will be made up of at least 40% representation from each gender and at least two student members. Should election fail to achieve this, a new call for membership will be opened to achieve minimum representation. 

Committee members

Chair and Chair-Elect — coordinate and oversee all SIG activities; direct activities of the executive and non-executive committee members; enhance communication between the SIG and the Council; chair committee meetings; set annual agenda and update TOR with approval from other committee members; work with the Secretary to coordinate the annual election; contact for logistic organisation with OHBM administrative staff

Secretary and Secretary-Elect — collect, prepare and circulate all documents related to SIG activities including meeting minutes and an annual report to Council; post and monitor written materials in the online community portal; deliver all documents to the OHBM Executive Office so they can become a part of the association’s records; set annual schedule and deadlines, coordinate annual election

Treasurer and Treasurer-Elect — work with the chair to negotiate annual budget from OHBM; manage the annual budget; seek fundraising opportunities; deliver annual financial report; general administration of invoices including collecting, recording, checking and passing this on to OHBM administrative staff; main contact for financial organisation with OHBM administrative staff

Social Coordinator and Social-Coordinator-Elect — organise the Monday night social, liaise with local organising committee and co-sponsors of the event; coordinate social activities for SIG committee

Social Media & Communications Manager and Social Media & Communications Manager-Elect — manage all social media; advertise all events and SIG activities; serve as a liaison between the Student and Postdoc SIG and the OHBM Communications Committee. Responsible for communications with OHBM trainees and the wider community

Career Development & Mentoring Manager and Career Development & Mentoring Manager-Elect — coordinate International Online Mentoring Programme and career development events including symposiums and workshops

Blog Editor and Blog Editor-Elect (new!) — write and edit blogs for SIG and OHBM website; select blog topics and invite others to guest-write blog posts


Terms of service

SIG members will serve a minimum term of 24 months and be required to attend at two annual meetings within their term of service. The service period for Blog Editor will be 12 months and required to attend one annual meeting within their term of service. Members who wish to stand for another position in the committee, whether it be during (<24 months) or after (>24 months) their term of service, will be required to stand for re-election. All current committee members are required to serve in their role until all elect positions and open positions have been filled in order to  facilitate handover to the new members, as well as to guide the initiation of the election process, thereby completing a full cycle of service from election to election.

Members are required to attend, at minimum, monthly meetings which may increase in frequency in the run up to the annual meeting. If a member misses more than three consecutive monthly meetings, without prior notice to the committee, they will be asked to step down from their position. Members wishing to stand down from their position before the end of their term are required to give at least one months notice, so that their position can be filled and they can handover to the new nominee. Vacant positions will be filled from within the committee or there will be a new call for nominations outside the committee to fill the position.

SIG Oversight

OHBM Executive Office will serve as the central site for coordinating SIG needs.

SIG Annual Report

In November of each year, the OHBM Council will review the SIG’s Annual Report which details all the activities of the SIG. This report will be an important factor to be reviewed by the Council in determining the continuing existence of the SIG. The report will be submitted to Council one month prior to its November meeting.


[1] OHBM Policy Guide for SIGs: